Spelunky 2 2020

Log Status






Time Played

267h 5m

Days in Journal

4 days

Last played

September 11, 2022

First played

July 14, 2021

Platforms Played


Was great fun playing with a friend on Xbox!

Spelunky 2 is an incredibly difficult game, much more difficult than its predecessor Spelunky HD. The game will make you rage, a lot, for hours. However, this game is still incredibly fun. With lots of content you'll probably never get to see!
The visuals, levels, enemies, bosses, and almost everything else is an incredible improvement over Spelunky HD, apart from a few things.

That mainly being the music, the music is still very good and is actually dynamic now which is great. There are many amazing tracks you will likely love... however, they all fall short when compared to Spelunky HD. This is likely because that game didn't need to focus on dynamic music and only needed to focus on happy jingles to nod along too.
Another criticism about the game actually stems from 2 new features, that being the back layers and fluid physics. The back layers are a very interesting concept that just isn't used very effectively, with there not being much content or anything interesting to explore there. The other one is fluid physics, while being a great concept, the lava causes more annoyances that great times, blocking level paths and making the drill in volcano slightly more RNG heavy as well as making the game significantly more computer intensive.

Despite this criticism, the game is still amazing and one I heavily implore you to try. While it doesn't have the exact same feel as Spelunky HD you will still have an incredibly, painfully fun time! (Especially, if you enjoyed Spelunky HD.)
The new areas are great to venture through, and you can finally play with your friends online if you can manage the input delay.

I have completed all achievements and it took me 61.9 hours, the achievements are varied and great and I am almost ready to hang up mining helmet, however I still crave to do one more challenge, that being the endless expanse of pain after those 22 levels of turmoil. You should play the game to understand what I mean, because there is a greater challenge hidden away from the achievements here, one you will likely never complete...

I give this game a solid 8/10 - great gameplay, difficulty and challenges with good but not excellent music. The game is slightly more RNG dependent than the previous game, but this still leaves room for a lot of fun.
Well done to Derek Yu! And remember always to "ransack those shopkeeper's pockets" while Kali watches!