Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

March 16, 2023

First played

March 15, 2023

Platforms Played


The AAA game of AAA games. Everything works and looks fine and dandy, but nothing here is interesting nor innovative. I tried to let this game impress me, I wanted to explore the visually stunning world and see the full potential of its solid combat. But everything the game tasked me to do felt so incredibly pointless.

Alloy is dull as a piece of paper and every interaction is awkward as fuck and has a weird blend of seriousness and wit where you can't tell if they're trying to be funny or intentionally unlikeable. Every task consists of following a trail, kill the enemy in front of you, suffer through an awkward conversation, kill an enemy with more health than usual and so on.

The quests, the world, the crafting, the dialogue choices; everything feels so pointless and only exists because it can. All of it felt like a chore and none of it felt fun.