Log Status






Time Played

33h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

March 5, 2023

First played

February 23, 2023

Platforms Played


Creatively there's nothing exceptional or special about this game. It follows the same layout and design of every modern AAA open world game, and the story's obsession with militarised tech and police surveillance feels so very detached from the tone I'd associate with the humble Queens-native.

But what sets it apart is that its one of the absolute best cases of a modern AAA open world game I've ever seen. The combat is simple but so cool and exciting. Movement is fast and flashy but so easy to control. While a lot of the side content is very repetitive, its organised to effectively that its hard to resist chugging through it all. The NYC we're given to explore is potentially one of the most true to life examples of a game map based on a real location. New York is one of my favourite places and having played this right after a trip there I had so much fun just exploring and noticing all the real-life landmarks and details.

It's not at all a unique or groundbreaking game, but its one that I found super hard to put down. Spiderman delivers on almost everything it sets out to achieve and does nothing more than simply be an exceptionally fun game.