Currently feel like I've hit a wall on the Pontiff Sulyvahn fight. I've fought it a few number of times and feel like I'm not making any progress. It's no where near the hardest fight I've played in a FromSoft game but I have no desire to sit down and learn and conquer the boss at the moment.

To be honest, I think maybe part of me feels I bit of relief having a moment where I can justify putting Dark Souls 3 down for the forseeable future. I find nothing in this game compelling, its definitely fun and playable but coasts of the strengths of it brilliant foundation and formula, but by Soulsbourne standards it feels like its doing the bare minimum. I feel like DS3 is the result of feeding DS1 and Bloodborne through an AI and telling it to quickly make its own game. Compared to the awe-inspiring worlds and premises of before, this one feels almost generic.

The environments are visually more drab and gritty than before but the feeling of melancholy that made the other games so beautifully atmospheric is noticeably absent. There are stunning sights, but most the areas and enemies in the first half are really just border on typical soulslike stuff, there isn't a feeling of a world beyond whats presented in front of you.

Dark Souls 3 is definitely the easiest I've played from FromSoft, but somehow also the most frustrating. There's nothing noticeable that makes it stand out amongst the series, even the gameplay doesn't do anything crazy new or interesting, there's no real pull-factor for me. It took me a month to finish a 90+ hour Elden Ring run, it also took me a month to get just under halfway through (?) this one with 15 hours playtime. Not because I've haven't had the time, I've just not felt the need to pick it up every day like I might have expected. I wish I could sing my praises for this game like many others but it feels like a simply good game in a series of GOATed games.

Reviewed on Apr 15, 2023
