At times, Into The Light feels almost pornographic in its deluge, showering us with rewards and explosions like the good puppies that we are - seemingly fated to drown in this bottomless loot pool brimming with returning fan-favourites and collector's items now shaded in precious gold and retrofitted with killer double-perks. Onslaught is an absolute banger, while Pantheon acts as the kind of pyrotechnical freak circus you can only cook at the top of your game - because make no mistake, Destiny in its present state is Bungie at the peak of their game. Both of these additions speak their respective truths :

One, nobody does a horde mode like Bungie. And two, no first-person shooter will ever work the very concept of boss fight within subjective/narrative confines like this franchise has for the past decade, times and again, by imagining new ways for a Tall Guy™ to interact with our faces. Whatever happens next to Destiny won't suck it all away into singularity, at least not until the servers run out and we all smash our computers to smithereens.

Dream's end in a month's time.
I think it's cause for some last rites and celebrations.

Reviewed on May 10, 2024


1 month ago

I think I would have been happier if it was just 1000 enemies on a map that all know youre location instead of a tower defense.

1 month ago

Got absolutely stomped an hour ago on my latest voidlock build so imma say...let's wait for Prismatic before doing that kind of thing thank you very much.