Portal 2 is a great puzzle game full of charm and wit that takes the formula of the first portal and expands on it and improves it in every way.

The characters Wheatly and GladOS are very funny and constantly had me grinning as I listened to Wheatly's British banter and GladOS' sarcastic abuse towards the player throughout the game.

The puzzles get very complex towards the end, making use of multiple mechanics to solve the puzzles, though I found a couple of the later ones to be a little frustrating, otherwise I probably would have given the game a 5.

I loved the story of going through Aperture Industries and finding out more about the facility and all the personalities within, while testing and getting to know the robot AI's.

Firewatch is a beautiful game that encapsulated that feeling of escaping from your normal life for one summer and one summer only.

The game is emotionally striking right from the offset by setting up Henry's life with Julia to give context for him escaping to nature for the summer to work in a firewatch tower. The colours, tone and music are all perfect at creating an almost therapeutic feeling while playing.

The voice acting from Henry and Delilah are great and their back and forth is fun to listen to as they start off as strangers and become something more over the summer, only for Delilah to reaffirm at the end that her and Henry must both return to their normal lives and responsibilities. Its a sort of melancholy ending, like a summer fling that you had an amazing adventure with, has come to an end.

There are moments throughout the game where you'll just be hiking to a location on the map and the nice, relaxing music kicks in and its good to just be in the moment and enjoy the scenery.

The story takes a turn about half way through and becomes quite eerie, making wandering through nature, which used to be a nice relaxing experience, a bit more strenuous as it feels like you're always being watched. Of course it turns out that it wasn't how it seemed, which leads to a melancholy, satisfying ending.

Firewatch really felt like going on a one time experience over the summer that just cant be recreated.