I'm sad that I don't have more contact with Buddhism to be able to understand all the allusions that F/Extra ends up making. But its central themes are one of my favorite themes; Stagnation, War, Nihilism. While a lot can be taken from Buddhism that the work is steeped in, in my opinion it can also be taken from Nietzsche, since Nilism is one of the components that runs through the entire game. I think Extra encapsulates Nasu's pessimistic phase well, as it is hammered into our heads how stagnation is not an option and can be worse than war, but at the same time war is not a good thing and neither should it be be an option, much less an endless repetition like Twice wanted, because it would just be hell - A war that never ends just another means of stagnation. All that remains for us is to look for another option other than either of these two, however the work does not indicate which option this is. It says that we must find, however it does not indicate what we must find, what we must aspire to. This reminds me a lot of Nietzsche, who for years had not yet discovered amor-fati and was therefore unable with his heart to cling to the notion of the superman, or his other beliefs.

Reviewed on Sep 11, 2023


9 months ago

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