Mahoyo manages to represent well everything that is the Nasuverse and the stories that Nasu wants to tell, even though it is a story about magicians, it is still just a story about people, where the focus is literally on their daily lives and not on magical issues, that is much more in the background, even though Mahoyo is the basis for everything that exists today. Mahoyo is one of the examples that even a simple story that I focus on on a daily basis can be an extremely powerful story in the hand of someone who knows how to write. We are used to Fate, Tsukihime and Kara no Kyoukai, where despite the themes, there is a lot of focus on fantasy, but in Mahoyo, as much as the story works as a basis for everything that is this Nasu universe and it is a story mainly about magicians and has its battles, its focus is entirely on the characters and their daily lives and thus exploring the theme. It's a grandiose story with the power only Nasu can conceive, and one that includes arguably the best direction in all of media. It must be said that Mahoyo's writing wouldn't work without the brilliant direction of Tsukuri Monoji, who turned a Visual Novel into a cinematic masterpiece.

Reviewed on Jan 03, 2023
