Out of all the games to make into a dark and serious parent game, why was God of War chosen to be?

It’s weird since the series was always known for being a very gigantic and over the top serve of games but with this game, they seem to think that the series is now deep?

Anyways, I don’t understand the overwhelming amount of praise this game gets as I really don’t find the combat loop to be fun and feels so restrictive and tedious. Exploring the world is agonizing slow as there’s pointless walking segments that drag on for way too long.

I’ll give it this, it’s presentation and story are good but I do not get why they made this game connect to GoW, probably since it’s an iconic franchise and has made it’s published a ton of money?

Yeah, I don’t find this game all too great, it’s another example of games journalists willing to mindlessly worship a game since it’s deep.

(P.S. if you think this game is still amazing, don’t let my opinion cloud your judgement, I just wanted to speak out on what I like or don’t like.)

Reviewed on Sep 05, 2023
