Log Status






Time Played

40h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

March 31, 2024

First played

March 17, 2024

Platforms Played


Off the bat, not as solid of a package as the OG 7 and that's partially due to the fact this is an incomplete story but also due to some very real and very obvious pacing issues. They clearly wanted to spend some more time in certain sections, as shown with all the side quests, but wow sometimes it comes to a screeching halt and it feels very slow.
But despite that, the game is absolutely amazing. Combat is incredibly fun, I enjoyed doing a hellish amount of damage with Cloud using staggers, and the way each of the 4 playable characters played was fun.
Story is still great and the ways in which this story subverts, or attempts to anyway, the original is great and lead to some very cute, awesome, and sad moments. Even the slow pacing doesn't take away from the Remake's original scenes, they're all a joy to witness for one reason or another, and even coming fresh off of 7 it didn't feel like I was treading old ground when so much of it was new. And I have to say, the ending just absolutely captured some of my favourite tropes, and it's an absolutely amazing homage to the final fight of the original. And the ending past that introducing new elements for the Remake canon is just hype inducing.
Music is great, too. So many awesome remixes, some great new tracks sprinkled here and there, and just a raw energy to some of them that make them just as memorable to the original.
Characters are portrayed awesomely by their VAs and getting to hear these characters coming to life makes me incredibly happy. Only one I'd say I have an issue with is Cloud's VA, he seems to be stilted in some pieces of dialogue that doesn't seem to be an intentional bit for his character. Regardless, characterization is awesome.
I think this Remake even if I give it a lower score than the OG game absolutely deserves praise for creating such a beautiful rendition and reimagining of the original Midgar section. It sets up so much, and I'm excited to see how it handles it in Rebirth.