I didn't know exactly what to expect with this game other than the true ending. I knew about the final boss of the true ending, but otherwise I was completely blind. This was an incredibly solid experience.
Gameplay-wise it's quite simple on the controls, and all the controls work well without motion inputs so overall this is a very non-stressful game to play (minus the fact that it kinda felt like I was cursing my poor controller with future drift problems). A lot of the complexity actually comes from the bosses, and on that front they're all really good. I couldn't really name any that are bad really. Some are definitely less memorable, but otherwise they're all enjoyable, unique, and make the gameplay exciting.
Music is great, whether it's the more passive tracks or the combat related stuff, the game has a strong OST throughout, and the only downside is that I could barely hear any of it. I had to go out of my way to listen to the music on YouTube, but the music is great regardless of that.
I found the gameplay loop to be slightly repetitive, but it didn't really last long enough to actually become a detriment. Taking on side jobs and side assassinations in-between the big missions was really fun, and the minigames ranged from mildly amusing to downright comical.
Voice acting was great across the board, too. Some were crazy, others were Travis, and another was Irish, but it was Greta work across the board. The VAs sold their characters well, and all the voices fit them to a tee. Travis, again, was my fav since he sounds like a loner loser but also competent despite that.
The game definitely feels like it was pushing itself in that second half where some missions were short or gimmicky, and the ending, no matter if it's the true or normal end, is so abrupt and doesn't follow up on the prior cutscene at all. It's incredibly odd, but regardless this is still an enjoyable game, a timeless classic.
It's raunchy, filled with one of the funniest lore dumps ever, has an amazing sense of humor throughout, and is just so incredibly memorable that I still vividly remember most of my time with it despite not touching it since I finished playing about 3 or 4 weeks ago from when this review was written. Would recommend this to anyone who breathes oxygen to survive but mostly intakes nitrogen.

Reviewed on Jun 28, 2024
