I first played this and beat the base game back in when it came out in 2014. It was okay.

But I just recently replayed it front to back, DLC and all and all I can say is ..... amazing. I was usually a Mass Effect girlie only but this made me a dragon age one too.

I think the story is fun and even after you beat it there's so many unanswered questions that it leaves you looking forward to the next one. (Lol)

The characters are fun to get to know! The music is nice when there is some. The graphics, even for a 2014 game are really not that bad 🤷‍♀️ In fact I think it's a gorgeous game.

My one gripe about this game is the open world IS HUGGEEEE. The maps are SO BIG and there's like nothing to do for 70% of it. I mean there's definitely things to keep you busy but do you want to? I did, and it wasn't too bad honestly but I can see where some people say the open worlds SUCK! (Those freaking shards...... kms)

Please please please please LET DRAGON AGE DREADWOLF COME OUT SOON. Getting to the ending of this game just makes you want to know what happens next...


Reviewed on Mar 23, 2024
