15 hours in, and this is just about the same as any other Bethesda game (after Morrowind); Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, 4 & 76. Not going to say whether it's better or worse yet but like cmon... All the hate of the fans seems to come from nostalgia for the older titles & overhyping this game, thinking that Bethesda will actually reinvent the wheel (spoiler: they never will). Their games were never the RPG masterpieces that people claim them to be. Prodgen hate is unfair because the dungeons do repeat in the other games too which means the design choice of repetitive locations was there to begin with! What matters to me is that this is about as enjoyable as the older Bethesda games. I'll be slowly going through it though as I don't really game as much anymore, nor do I have the time anyways to just blast through it for a month.

t. an oldhead lad who pirated this game

Reviewed on Sep 19, 2023
