silent hill needlessly capitalized on resident evil's formula when it could have very well been a point and click game franchise. nvm it was released on playstation, thus it must be uninspireful rip off of something unfitting with its pointlessly awful combat!

Reviewed on Dec 24, 2023


4 months ago


4 months ago

Got angry enough to comment that? Sorry, my bad that I made YOU waste your time on me

4 months ago

you just don't get it The enemies that pose zero threat convey a lot of symbolism regarding the main character's repressed sexual frustrations and his latent desire to rip off Jacob's Ladder, Solaris and everything by David Lynch. this work of art made me cry tears and inspired amazing games like Cry of Fear and Signalis so Please Be More Respectful you philistine!!

4 months ago

i always knew james was a leon ripoff

4 months ago

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4 months ago


silent hill could have been the greatest dune by david lynch esque game