Living on the edge
Fighting crime, spinning webs
Swinging from the highest ledge
He can leap above our heads

100%ing Cold Hard Crash is not worth it but otherwise it's pretty awesome

This game is one of main reasons why I still believe

Thank you for my life Cash Banooka

I remember even as a kid when I first played this I wanted to like it
but no, it's bad

I think this is a game I respect more than I actually like but it's still a ton of fun

Needs a replay but I remember not disliking this game entirely

If I could get one post-ND Crash game remade, I'd choose this one in a heartbeat

I must offer you my gratitude for the sole purpose of you setting me free from my crystal prison

Three dragon chunguses in one package what more could you possibly want

Dragon chungus is joined by kangaroo chungus, penguin chungus, yeti chungus and laser pistol monkey chungus

My take on this game is that the ending is pretty sad :(

I am much like the specter's true nature

When I pick up a mask and become vengeful towards my old friends