Fun game at the time I love the atmosphere and character designs but no depth at all after a few hours of playtime.

A convoluted mess of a game with very high highs yet astronomically low lows.
Come into this with normal expectations because compared to the first game 0 pales in comparison.

As dated as it is Tsukihime's emotional core routes still hold up pretty decently well. Although it has a large amount of flaws and some very distasteful content it's strengths in my opinion outweigh the flaws and I think this is something visual novel fans should consider.

What used to be one of the most fun shooters now turned into an entertaining yet subpar game due to terrible balancing decisions and character making. It's sad to see how this game took a tumble after how much buzz it initially got but I guess that's how the cookie crumbles.

The best a Dragonball game will ever get to be.
It's super accessible for new players and has a ton of depth at the higher end however the difficulty spike and the gameplay at a mid-level is a huge downside to it.
Story is fun if only for the fanservice and the presentation is really great looking.
Overall a pretty decent fighting game you should try out.

Very good ambience and interesting mechanics but if you aren't very dedicated a lot of the game can feel downright unfair at times. Still though it's definitely worth playing.

Incredible throwback to the original 16-bit sonic games with great level design memorable soundtrack and a good balance between fun and difficulty. Getting the chaos emeralds is a bit of a pain but otherwise this is a really great game.

Extremely fun sonic game with a great soundtrack fun level design and a flare of uniqueness.
Very good alternative to the wii version.

Fun game that I'd call one of the best modern sonic games.
The 3DS version is obviously not the best iteration of this game however I'd say it's still worthy of a good rating since despite being inferior to other versions it still holds up really well.

This game feels like actual art.
It has a great balance of scarring gory material with despair-filled atmospheric moments that are sure to leave a lasting impression on anyone who reads this.
Accompanied by downright gorgeous visuals and a hauntingly beautiful soundtrack this visual novel is one of the best out there.

It's an absolute must-play visual novel. While it doesn't particularly excel in any area in specific the combination of everything is what makes this such a strong story.
It's extremely memorable, it has very unique yet gorgeous presentation and a very good soundtrack.

God this game is SO BORING.
The astrophysics are unbearable the plot of each route is basically the same. A strength for me is how the girls are mostly normal and not very exaggerated but at the same time they can be very annoying at times.
Find a better moege to play please.

I'd call this visual novel "OG Dragon Ball if it had cute girls and VN tropes".
The cast is likable and the game is so exaggerated to the point it's a blast to play through. The routes are mixed and while I'd consider two of them very strong the rest range from boring to actually distasteful.
If you can get past that I'd say it's a visual novel worth reading for its own unique set of strengths.

While not as strong as the original, this game is a worthy successor and contains some very good things that makes it worth playing if you enjoyed the first game, although it has a large amount of flaws as well.

A complete and total spit in the face compared to the first two games. Storyline makes zero sense all the characters are bogged down into stereotypical surface level versions of themselves and the only remotely good thing about it is Kazuki and even then she's not enough to save the dumpster fire that is this visual novel.