4 reviews liked by Fire33

This game has more mechanics than a fighter jet and less depth than a puddle

EDIT 5/29/2024: Yeah I've kind of really need to write an updated review. Went into this one knowing it was just some general first impressions based on my first few hours of playtime and now that there's been a whole month since release and three patches I think I have a much better grasp on my thoughts. I'll get to that eventually.

There are a LOT of issues to be had. As everyone has already mentioned the tutorial is incredibly long, especially for a kart racer. It gives the player so much information yet doesn’t really do anything to let you actually apply its mechanics in an actual race. There’s also some key information left out such as the starting position minigame and how items work.

Both online and modding are locked behind beating the first and fourth cups of grand prix respectively. I 100% see what they’re trying to go for here. They want to make sure you actually have a feel for the game before letting you hop in the deep end, which to some extent was a problem SRB2 Kart had due to lacking any form of single player. But when combined with the aforementioned lengthy tutorial it feels rather extreme to lock these behind anything, and will definitely hinder the ability to recommend it to others.

It’s such a big shame that it leaves such a bad first impression because if you’re able to get into it this game genuinely FUCKING ROCKS. There is so much to this that works. The ring system is a fun and unique twist on Mario Kart’s coins. The unlock system, when it isn’t locking major gameplay elements behind it, is a great addition. Considering how boring the unlock methods in games like Mario Kart 8 and Smash Ultimate are, it’s cool having something that actually forces you to engage with all the game offers. Although hopefully a cheat code is found for those who don’t wanna deal with it, since a lot of people probably don’t want that out of a multiplayer game like this.

I hope Kart Krew decides to go back and tweak the opening hours in order to make it a more concise and digestible experience. I see the vision here, but it really needs some work.

اريد اعطيها 5 نجوم بشدة لكن دنجن الكهرباء و اخر كم ساعة من اللعبة كانوا سيئين بشكل لا يطاق
غير هذا احببت كل شيء حرفيًا كل شيء
محتوى ستار فورس رغم قصره إلا انه جميل
اللعبة 10/10 لكن مشكلتها انها ريميك باتل نتورك 1 يعني مشاكل باتل نتورك 1 تنتقل لها تلقائيًا

Este de hecho lo recuerdo bien, mas que nada porque me lo termine la misma mañana de navidad en la que me compraron la PS1, fue bastante épico y lo consideraría mi primer speedrun ya que no me compraron la memory card y pues tenia que ser rapido (Después descubrí lo de los codigos y estaba como aaaaaaaaa)