There is only one word i can use to describe this shill of a game and its disappointing. The OG MW3 is my favourite COD and after how great the MW2 reboot was and the teaser for this game, i was really excited, only to be given a campaign with no story, the same multiplayer and a half assed zombies mode. This is gonna be a long one

The campaign
I think this is in contest for the most wasted potential in COD history. Setting up Makarov at the end of MW2 and teasing the No Russian mission got so many people so hyped. But what we got was instead a campaign with literally no stakes whatsoever, and that can be put down to one thing, the open combat missions. This isnt a campaign, its one long DMZ mission. The open combat missions take away any narrative pacing and all of the possible stakes, when you play a linear cod mission, you fear for the characters around you, but in these missions there is none of that at all. I believe this awful mission concept was put down to a greedy Activision and over worked designers, having to pump out a full games worth of content in 16 months. Another reason this games narrative and i will also say this for all of the reboot trilogy, It has been ruined by Warzone, because every character that dies comes back in fucking warzone. Due to this there are far to many characters to deal with and none of them have any decent character moments in this game. Throughout this game its juggling Price, Gaz, Soap, Ghost, Graves, Farah, Alex, Shepard, Laswell and Makarov, which would be fine if its was a full release game but not in a 14 mission character development void campaign. Even the missions that aren't these open combat warzone asset reused things are nothing special. When you look back at the OG MW3 the set pieces are fucking unbelievable, like being in a city with building collapsing around you, chasing a subway train on the back of a truck, shooting you way through a hotel in juggernaut armour and watching the eiffel tower collapse in front of you, this game is 12 years older than it and it has none of this, no cool set pieces, no emotional character moments and no interesting narrative, speaking of character moments, this next one is a big one, SPOILERS AHEAD. So the only thing that happens in this game is that Soap is once again killed by Makarov, while in the old game, there was a whole mission where you try and get Soap to safety and then that really emotional moment when Soap dies which has unfortunately been meme'd to death. In this game there is nothing, Soap gets shot by Makarov and thats it. It really does feel like they didnt have an ending and just went with this as a cliff-hanger in a game thats to short to warrent one. Another issue with this is that none of these characters seem to care about each other, the only obvious character relationship is between Soap and Ghost which was one of the best parts about the last game, but in this they barely interact.

I will say a few positives, Overall the missions are fun, they just lack any substance but i didnt hate my time playing this, the only mission i can remember fully is the stadium one which i do think was an appropriate substitute for No Russian as i doubt you could get away with what the OG did anymore and the plane mission for as short as it was is pretty impactful and i dont get people saying that it wasnt that bad, like everyone on the plane died. I will also say that I like Makarov in this game, obviously not better than the original but I like the performance as a much more level headed leader, also making his motivation about Urzikstan and Verdanzk strengthens my point about Warzone being a huge issue. I also like the scene at the end with Price, Gaz and Ghost spread Soap's ashes. Visuals look great as always.


From what little of it i have played so far i cant really see many faults, its your average multiplayer. Im a person who buys COD for the campaign stupidly, so the multiplayer is something that i play for a while and normally delete because it takes up so much space. Very similar to MW2 but i liked that one so it doesnt bother me much but again its very copy paste.

Havent touched the Zombies yet and i am scared to because i have a feeling that its going to be terrible.

MW3 should of never came out this year, it should have been made by Infinity Ward and came out at least 2 years after MW2. While i enjoyed my time playing, this game left me with nothing but disappointment for what we could of got.

Reviewed on Nov 11, 2023
