Minor story spoilers

For a basic 3rd person shooter this has one of the most brutal stories I have ever played through.

The fact that this game has multiple areas in which a choice has to be made however each and every one of them has the same outcome may seem like bad storytelling but in this case it is the absolute opposite, none of you choices matter, that's the whole point. Nolan North gives a very underrated performance as Captain Walker, through his performance you can see Walker slowly loose his mind. Ill try and stay away from major spoilers but some of the scenes throughout this game are brutal and unfortunately mirror real tragedy's of war, something in which most military games don't do anymore, the white phosphorus scene in particular. An eye opening experience about how even if you think you are a hero, you cant always be one

Gameplay wise its your standard 3rd person shooter. Gun combat is simple but fun and the small bits of directing your squad members around is a nice way to immerse yourself more. Visually it holds up very well for a 2012 game, soundtrack is also very good.

A fun 3rd person shooter with a fantastic story that really delivers. Highly recommend.

Reviewed on Feb 08, 2024
