I love this game despite its faults honestly
It's story was fantastic from beginning to end I just enjoyed every bit of it and I highly recommend others to check it out

Combat was also a delight once I got into the swing of things even if it felt heavily weighted towards one style of play over others (Glenn/Victor/Lenne/Sienna is legit unbelievably powerful for the main game)

I wish the Crystal system actually felt good to engage with or even just to use but it was overly complicated and relatively annoying to mess with so I just stopped before Ba'thraaz joined and only used it again at the last dungeon

I wish Ultra Moves weren't tied to one singular bar and worked like a normal limit break for characters since Heat Gauge manipulation is very awkward outside of that and Glenn's Cheer and Restrain
I also pretty much only ever used Glenn and Victors Ultra Moves by the halfway mark since they provide so much more utility and help over anyone else's

Honestly the most fun I've had with FE gameplay in a while

I especially appreciate how this is the best Armor Knights have felt to use in decades
The toned down skill system is a lot more fun to engage with in comparison to how bloated Three Houses and Fates felt

Engage as a mechanic is fun but ultimately a little too broken in some instances since it allows for very quick kills once a boss enters enough units range (at least on Hard anyway I'm still in the middle of a second run on Maddening)

The story is exactly what it needs to be and is good despite people thinking 'corny' is inherently bad (it's not) I think trying to compare this to Three Houses writing wise is doing both a disservice since both are very different games tonally and are trying very different things as well

Supports are essentially a 50/50 on if you're gonna get something good (Pandreo) or something bad (Celine)

My biggest criticisms of the game would be gold being too hard to come by outside of the large hand outs they give you after specific story moments (this might be a fault of mine though in regards to my constant staff abuse / buying and trying to figure out good donation usage) and the lack of weapon durability takes away from making sure you don't just only rely on 2 or at most 3 weapons per character

Also Chapter 24 can kiss my ass

God I have so much I want to say about this game but honestly I can't do it justice
I'm so happy I got to experience this wonderful story

The only negative this game has is its translation being very iffy in some spots

This was not only the best game in the Sky trilogy but also arguably one of the best games in the series as a whole