Co-Open 2021

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A lovely little game about a kid's first time doing shopping, and maybe even do a little explorin'.

Co-open is a very cozy and comforting game, with a generally warm atmosphere to it all, be it through the visuals, the music, or the characters. While the goal is to pick up whatever you want and take it to the counter for purchasing (this can be done at any time and is the only way to reach the ending), you're subtly encouraged to explore the rest of the store and whatever areas are available to you, while talking to and maybe even helping out different characters you meet. Most of the characters actually already know you in some way or another, so there's always a sense of familiarity with them, and they're also just generally pleasant people to talk to.

Further encouragement for interaction is given through collectibles: helping out characters gets you a collectible from them ( they're very neat and cute~) and you can also find different numbers scattered around in the store, even on items you have in your pockets or the collectibles; these are phone numbers, which after calling them get added to your phonebook. Doing all of these were really fun, a lot of them felt like little puzzles and encouraged you to observe and find any secrets you can in the store.

I don't really have any complaints honestly, so I'm going to just gush more about the things I really liked from the game

I'm fond of going to the mall every now and then, so looking through all the available things to purchase and their descriptions felt very familiar and comforting in a way lol. The cats were also really cute (but got kind of scarily big if you fed them too much).

It's hard to pick a favourite location, I really liked all of them, but I'd say the library park was my favourite. The cool autumn weather could really be felt here, it was generally a pleasantly structured place, it has my favourite characters out of them all, and it has my favourite track of the game for sure. I will say though, the most fun I had exploring were the vents, and the cold storage area (which was more like a mini snow park really).

On that note, the staircase, forbidden garden and vents do feel kind of creepy to be in. I think its more to do with the music, I like the vibe though, keeps it distinct.

Grandma is awesome and cool.

Overall, pretty short game, I'd definitely recommend if you wanna just have a cozy warm time.