11 reviews liked by Floy

Warioware Gold is one of those 3DS games that, even though I have access to the entire console library thanks to the custom firmware, I could play for days, over and over

Lots of fun is to be expected, maybe today don't doomscroll on TikTok and play this, the brain won't notice any difference

idk how to rate this, sometimes it's fun and sometimes i want to kill myself

"Bro keep playing i promise you the 56th pedo joke will be hilarous"

Hilarious, heartbreaking and unforgettable.

One of the best RPGs ever made. One of the best video game stories. Deeply moving deeply disturbing.

Salvation Black my beloved... What did Austin do to you....

I had to take a couple of weeks to writhe in agony after playing this, All time feel bad game. You will feel like pure shit as the credits roll.

Hello sir, I noticed you are above the age of 20 and have depression. Is it safe to assume you are a fan of Austin Jorgensen's LISA: The Painful?

Insane soundtrack!!! I'm not joking when I say that's at least half the game's merit.

What a game!
Remarkable work of art, fascinating experience. Stuck around in my mind for weeks after playing.
Strikes me as the type of art where the creator maybe doesn't totally "get" what makes it so good, but that's okay.
Play it without spoilers, and IMO avoid the sequel (cheapens some of the plot points of this one).
Great soundtrack too. Can't wait to forget a bit about it and return to it later!