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Skald: Against the Black Priory
Skald: Against the Black Priory

Jun 10

Crow Country
Crow Country

Jun 06

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Super fun little cRPG! Short enough to be digestible, long enough to sink your teeth into.
Definitely has some gameplay problems, but devs are super responsive on discord & the game is still being updated.
I think the tone starts off really really strong but gets weaker as it goes. It's a classic cosmic horror problem where the text says "An indescribable creature emerges in front of you" and then you look & it's just a tentacle monster.
The world also isn't as mean as it first appears... An early NPC warns you that being kind and trusting in this world can get you killed, but the people you meet are generally trustworthy and never really meaningfully impede your quest. Would've loved some LISA-esque big consequences for "doing the right thing", but then again I'm not sure how well that type of thing would work with this game's save system, and the min-max nature of the game.
All that said, still had a real fun time with this one. Recommending to all my friends who like D&D type games.

Super fun little game!
Great atmosphere & style, cool story, gameplay feels great.

I know I'm biased because I grew up with this game, but I think this is the best game ever lol
It's so good it's insane. I'm replaying it now and I'm blown away by how tightly designed it is, and how creative it is.
I'm so glad that this is the game I was playing when I was young.