You can def still feel the NES structure and game design in some areas (specially the mother brain sector) but overall a good time and a great remake... (im assuming so at least, cuz this is my first metroid)

Not only its one of the worst 2d marios but its also one of the worst paper mar- ok thats not really saying much.

im honestly not sure what to think, sometimes im playing with my brain shut off (shoutout bugs and harley) and having a blast (shoutout music turned off) but then sometimes banana guard side b's into me 3 times with his lingering hitboxes that makes even the longest nairs in smash blush and im fucking dead, wondering what was even the point of switching engines to return with esentially another beta a year after... well besides the netcode which is genuinely a lot better now.

This remake is really special to me because theres so many little details from the original that were enhanced or fixed (theres honestly way too many to mention), on top of the obvious things that a ttyd remake had to do like better ui, remixed ost, better fast travel and what not. It really feels like the developers were big fans of the game just as the players.

I really hope this release alongside the best elements of Origami King can set a new golden era for the series in the future, because i know ttyd could be topped if the devs lock in!

On a final note, the chapter 6 battle theme is the best version, this is not up for discussion.

A fantastic gameplay concept (after all who doesnt love cheese?), however the game sadly just got too convoluted for me as it went on, and i ended up spending most of my time on tutorials or cheating death and rewatching the stage's intro rather than playing the actual game. The story twists in chapter 3 and 4 didnt really do it for me either which is a bit unfortunate as i was enjoying the story in the earlier ones (not to mention the abrupt ending after so much buildup).

Overall a charming experience but not something id revisit, il give it some extra flowers for the unique idea and great artstyle though.

Its a fun one time thing with friends but not much more than that. But you can't really ask much more for the price.

I really enjoyed the doise rematch, it was truly one the most engaging boss fights ive seen in years.

Theres something very charming about how high effort this remake is for a game most people probably didnt even know existed, the original still has the crusty charm of being an early 2000s game with a budget of 12 dollars, but this one is a lot more easy on the eyes and ears, plus features more content than the original as well. I also liked them splitting getting all the presents and beating the level fast into two different modes, it makes both playstyles more fun that way.

-2 stars for being 50$ and not bringing back the cut level editor or the ereader levels tho like come on bro

+1 star for keeping "THEY ARE 40 DOLLARS"

25 dollars for a squid sisters banner? what a steal!

Was a bit skeptical of this at first (quite honestly i would have eaten up another octo expansion-like campaign) but i really think they did a great job with this dlc, i cant imagine turning splatoon of all things into a rougelike was an easy task, yet it works surprisingly well.

Theres a lot of synergies and fun abilities that lets you be super broken allowing you to aim for super quick runs or you can make it hilariously hard to the point where 1 mistake will end your run, the best of boths worlds if you ask me!

The level design is very solid specially when you consider that it has to take all weapon classes into account, the enemies are pushovers but their strenght lies in numbers so dont sleep on them! (side note: fuck you sprinkler fish stop capping my zones)

Of course as usual the style, themes and music are fantastic (shoutouts to the pearl drone and ball boss theme), a bit different from what we saw from the original teasers but thats concept art for you, the rewards for the base game are also pretty neat (not sure we needed the order suit to be caked up tho)

As for issues, my main gripes lie in the lack variety with the floors, just 4 bosses and 4 objectives is a bit low for a roguelike, Splatoon 3 has had troubled development because of covid but still, i think maybe reusing some bosses from previous campaigns would have helped, as for the objectives maybe tower control and clams blitz could have been integrated into the spire? or how about having more bonus/danger modifiers?

The story is also a bit shorter than expected but for this type of game i didnt mind that much, the dialogue (granted 70% of it is Marina declaring her love for Pearl), plus all the flavor text in the logs and tone/fish pokedex do make up for it a bit.

Overall i think Wave 2 of Splatoon 3 Expansion Pass: Side Order, for the Splatoon 3 game for Nintendo Switch system is a great experience with a decent amount of replayability, and i would love to see a more fleshed out version of as its own game or in Splatoon 4. I dont think it stands quite on the shoulders of other games like Risk of Rain or Isaac but its still pretty well made and fun on its own way.

10/10 If isopadre was in the elevator instead of acht tho

Replaying this game made me realize that it's biggest achievement is being the first 2d sonic without a truly awful act, (TTM act 2 gets a bit close il admit), but even crazier that it achieves that while bringing back levels like oil ocean and lava reef zone.

Its the only 2d sonic that can really stand next to S3&K in my eyes, if you never tried classic 2d sonic start with this one!

The two main levels from this expansion > the base game ones.
+Cool to see these games presentation evolve and improve over time!

Sweet and short much like the game's price, the level design isn't as sharp as some of the linear outings from Siactro but Kiwi just being really fun to control makes up for it in the end.

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Inaccuracies, new glitches, a mission mode, a new playable character that plays very similar to sonic, and a collection of game gear games? This isnt Sonic Origins Plus this is Sonic Adventure Directors Cut!

Jokes aside its a pretty solid collection (at a discount) and one the best ways to play these games on console (you got better options on pc but this isnt bad), the real major issue i had was not having a sonic 3 style save system in the other games, very stupid oversight.