The twist after the first 4 levels is so cool, specially if you didnt know it was coming, its like "SURPRISE this is actually a really good game in disguise"

peak 2000s 7/10 core game on the gba, the compressed audio, the crusty 3d sprites, the stupid lines, the powerpoint ui its all great

proof that persona needs more old sad men as main characters, also another solid entry for the baby's first xcom genre (perfect for babies like me), it even incentivizes you to try to break the game apart with one more and bonus rewards for beating a stage fast enough which i liked. Not a must play but a fun time past the horrible pacing at the start and some bad audio mixing

The best mode (speed golf) is the one no one wants to play and the standard golf mode doesnt quite live up to its predecessors, oopsie

My favorite fighting game (just dont buy this for 60 bucks)

Almost a hidden puzzle gem held back by back by the archaic life system and some crazy difficulty spikes, (so basically use save states) but turning puyo into a solution based singleplayer game works really well, they need to try this again sometime.
+bonus points for neat soundtrack and carbuncle

Its crazy how they nailed so many things right with this game, every act has unique fun gimmicks (pretend sandopolis doesnt exist), how climatic the story feels despite how little there is of it, the music, everyone feels great to control, the hyper forms, etc

i´ve replayed this game a lot and it just doesnt get old, it really is a must play for anyone who likes platformers.

Solid mechanics but the level design is a bit all over the place, the time traveling is pretty charming specially for the time this game came out, but going for the generators is tedious, the timestones can skip the hassle but then you miss out on the time traveling aspect, just overall a mixed bag with some fun ideas

Japan OST >>> Western OST (except for tidal tempest)

Not only were tails and super sonic fantastic additions to the series, but the game is an improvement over the original in every way possible, really the only bad thing about this game is some annoying enemy placement in the latter half but that can be mitigated if you are playing a version with widescreen.

shoutouts to chemical plant zone the goat fr fr

The best clearly rushed to try to save the gamecube game ever!

Perhaps its mostly the nostalgia talking but this game just has a feel and style that no other game has ever been able to recapture for me, how smooth mario feels, the unique level themes and distinct soundtrack, all the weird experimental mechanics including of course, FLUDD, all the dumb jank, etc.
a lot of things here should not work when they come all together but they do somehow (for me at least).

That said if you dont like this game i cant even blame you, it does have a lot of bullshit that even the games' unique charm can't always make up for.

7/10 its a masterpiece

"one more" i say knowing fully well im gonna lose and try again

You know SEGA really knocked sonic's design out of the park when they somehow managed to trick people into playing past marble zone

got this for 5 bucks and still felt kinda ripped off, just go play banana mania or the gamecube originals instead


Revisiting it a year later with the unabandoned 1.0 build (which doubles the star count, has many new areas and a lot of QOL updates), still fascinated with all the obscure details, themes and the weird levels. If you are a mario fan that kept up with all the weird mythos surrounding mario 64 you should check this out