Had fun sessions with the boys.

Definitely a classic to go back to from time to time, try a stealth heist, fail, kill everyone and let it rest for another few months before going back to it again

Oh man, this game was a journey. It made me feel. Made life matter. Hurt me only to reassure me. Give me another perspective on our mundane life compared to those fantasticly complex characters. To this day, I still sometimes think about those virtual character's personal obstacles.

The game itself is just a big interactive book, and can get pretty mind consuming when you gulp it down in a few days like me. There were some innovative "gameplay" ideas, but it lacked in a bit of interactivity.

Picked it up very late (2022). The game's strength is definitely it's story and sense of humor. I had a blast on that aspect. However, the gameplay feels old. Playing it for hours per days, I quickly got bored of it after 30h, while also being intimidated by the sheer massive amount of content. I had a lot of fun during those 30h tho!

A game that totally blew my mind back when I played it. It shaped a lot of my online personality, made me meet people that had a huge influence in my life, made me take big decisions. It's that kind of game. Looking back on it, without the rose tainted glasses, it's pretty clanky and definitely not as good, but for having played such an important role in my life, I have to rate it highly.