This game is such a unique experience and I have yet to experience something like this in a video game again. It, in all honesty, doesn't deserves 5 stars on a gameplay standpoint, but boy, did this game leave a mark on me. It's a game that'll either be a complete hit or miss.

It's just not as fun as Smash, period. Was fun and enjoyable to play and discover the game thanks to it's free access however.

Waiting for the official release. Don't want to spoil the experience too much but from what I played it was... fine. Nothing too exciting. The story is captivating but the gameplay is lacking.

I really like this game's gameplay but it's just dead of players and not as fun to play solo.

The game is literally an infinite potential. You can have some awesome game nights with friends in gamemodes such as Murder, Guess Who, TTT, ...

Definitely worth it for the price despite how odd and old this may look.

Gave it around 10 hours. Not really my types of games so I won't expand much. Was a fun way to kill 10 hours with a friend, but dropped it quickly.

The perfect followup to Undertale. The gameplay is extremely crisp and satisfying, the visuals have immensely improved compared to it's predecessor. Musics are still an absolute blast. I'm just aching for more content.

Won 300€ because I was lucky af, spent 600+ hours on the game. I wouldn't be able to play it for more than 15 minutes without going insane nowadays tho.

The humor and story are very hard to get into for me. Played the game with a friend, it was okay. I have fond memories of making fun of the game rather than the game. It's definitely a worthy experience for the fan of the game genre still I think.

What is there to say? You HAVE to live at least a few games of Among Us with friends in your life. It gets repetitive after a while however, and it leads to more frustration than fun games.

It's total trash with randoms, don't even know why this is even a thing.

I had pretty fun moments with the game. Played Sims 2 and 3 when I was a child. I think it's uncomparable to them, it's just such a different experiences, with a lot more stuff to do imo. Since it's now free to play, I'd definitely recommand it, just for killing your sims in the pool!

Got the game for free. I respect the game's quality and have to aknowledge how it is an incredible game. However, it just wasn't my cup of tea. Got lost in the game world, died again and again trying to find my way back. I was just constantly fighting with the game to try to like it.

I don't rmember a lot of the actual game content and will redo it someday. I can just tell from memories that I was searching for a game in the same vibe as Undertale/NITW and wasn't disappointed at all!

I got into this game because of a friend around the end of BFA. I simulatnously thank and hate him. The sessions I had with him and some other friends were so much fun. The unviers is very captivating, enchanting, and ffs, I can be a motherfucking werewolf of fox man!

SL was a pain, I don't even want to talk about that period. I kept playing because my ex-girlfriend was.

But the game gets boring. Extremely quickly. And dropping around 80€ to get in a few dozens of hours of gameplay isn't worth it for me. I definitely regret paying for Dragonflight.

I love this game, it's my go to game for when I want to just chill while watching some videos in the background. However, the subscription model kills it for me. I bought a 3 year classic one that will soon come off, and it's just frustrating that I couldn't just pay and own the game