42 reviews liked by FlySogiita

Fans of powerscaling randoms with omnipotent isekai dogshit self-insert powers who can beat Goku are not ready for when Terraria fans finally join the discussion.

Uno siempre vuelve donde es feliz.

Best rpgmaker game
pls add black souls 2

The only "souls-like" experience I have ever enjoyed. Captivating from the beginning to the end(ings), worth the play any day.

Black Souls 1 - 9/10
Black Souls 2 - 10/10

I'm at a loss for words. A perfect execution of ludonarrative harmony that's also a love letter to fairy tales and what they mean to people. It examines how people use fairy tales as an extreme way of escapism, refusing to face reality head on. It's also a story of love that knows no bounds, even when one is put through hell. In the end though, no matter how much you try to run away to a land filled with dreams, only a brutal reality awaits.

The gameplay is surprisingly very stellar too with a lot of options given to you, and the level of freedom on display is remarkable. It's perfectly interwoven with the narrative and adds to it.

This game was something very special.

Black Souls 1 was very good, Black Souls 2 was almost perfect, highly recommend

Es como follar con un tío precoz, se detiene a cada rato para durar más y cuando finalmente acaba te toca alcanzar el orgasmo tú mismo.