3 reviews liked by Forced_Illusion

Xenogears is a story the goes into themes of psychoanalysis and Gnosticism and freudian principles of personality development concerning the character of Fei fong wong who's development is one that is wonderfully capitalised upon dynamics with characters like Grahf, Ramsus and Krelian 3 very good antagonists that fufill there role greatly across the grand scheme of Xenogears.

lemme take a look at just the main plot of Xenogears with just the plot of disc 1 and disc 2. Disc 1 starts off with the introduction of Fei fong wong an amnesiac in Lacan villlage that due to unfortunate events has to leave his village, this enables fei to go on a globe trotting adventure (going to cut this short) the entire game makes visiting each of the locations so unique as there's so many different cultures and history in each region like the desert region of Aveh and Kislev as each region is able to feel so incredibly distinct as class discrimination and different ideaologies regarding which citizens are worthy of luxurious treatent makes the world of xenogears so alive. The plot is something that is able to captivate the audience with every development of it's plot with twists and turns that i wasn't expecting with disc 2 being a complete brainrot with what it does with the story so many new thing that just add so mmuch onto the plot of disc 1 to say that Xenogears wasn't anything mindblowing is selling the game short in my eyes. but with the mindblowing positives there are shortcomings that come along with it as oh boy it feels really unfinished as the game atp really just wanted to tell the main story and flesh out Fei,Elly and Krelian as the gameplay rally just entirely felt like an after thought and really shoved in there and the side cast while i actually like all of them, they barely gotten screen time which really sucks cause character's like rico was a really nice introspctive into the racial mistreatments the demihumans were facing due to the laws instilled by the Aveh goverment and thus had to resorted to using physicaal strength to be able to rise through the prison ranks in Nortune. ( i don't find the amount of cutscenes a problem as i like Vns but i really would've loved more gameplay in the actually game )

AAnyways the entire realisation at the end of Xenogears tells e that i won't find anything like it as Xenogears is well Xenogears it separated itself from the pack and stands as an entirely unique story so bless you Takahashi hope you can pull off something as good as this and hopefully xenosaga can make me feel something simallar to what i felt in gears.

its what id expect from a 20 hour dlc
