I have had 0 good experiences playing this, best FPS of all time tho

Phenomenal lore, story, atmosphere, setting, bosses, and level design, but very tedious

One of my favorite DLCs ever. Incredible atmosphere, setting, lore, characters, story, music, and bosses. Gael and Midir are PHENOMENAL and have my favorite music in the series. Only complaints are halflight and poison swamps.

Vilhelm has my dream voice, sister friede is one of my favorite bosses ever and Gael is one of my favorite npcs ever. Great setting, atmosphere story, lore and characters as well. Has too little content though

Sekiro's a pretty difficult game but man when you get the hang of it, it fucking rocks. Easily one of my favorite games in terms of bosses and combat. In all of soulsborne, Inner Isshin and Inner Father are some of my favorite bosses and this combat is just so damn satisfying. Visually and audibly this game is fucking beautiful, the original soundtrack is fire and replaying this with 4k and hdr man it looks good. Story's very good and so is the lore, as with most Fromsoft games.

This would be a 5/5 but, I've played this quite a few times now, platinumed it and the game has become trivially easy, there's a lack of replayability and the combat has absolutely no variety after the prosthetic tools I tend to forget because they are not very useful in many bossfights. Also quite a bit of recycling here

Played it when I was like 11 or 12. Grave mistake

Great game but pales in comparison to Portal 2

Amazing but gets boring after a while. Scary asf alone but fun with friends

Pure awesome zombie killing destruction. Top co-op game

Really fun game, but is filled with annoying bitches. + In my opinion they ruined scp939 (the dog) in the new update

My go-to game for listening to music and just chilling. It's multiplayer is laggy shit unfortunately.

I don't give a fuck what you guys think. This DLC is awesome. My only complaint is that it's kinda boring

This DLC did what should have already been in the game. I didnt even know this existed until a bit after I had completed it

Repetitive, but cool as fuck. Has great characters too