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At first, I had personally found it really hard to enjoy Celeste, I've heard great things about it and I respected and admired what great things the game had accomplished, but I often struggled to find a moment where the game had clicked for me (but that's mainly due to me not being very great at the game when I first played)

But I still came back, and the moment where everything did click for me, I knew I that I wanted to see it through to the very end.

For me, climbing the mountain was enough of an huge, personal accomplishment and I felt happy, content and satisfied with what I've played, I didn't care if I missed any strawberries, nor completed the "Core" and "Farewell" content , nor finished a B-Side level, I was just happy that I've finished the main game, and for me, that was enough for me to consider this one of my favorite games of all time and one I'll always remember fondly.

Reviewed on Nov 07, 2023
