What is it with me and third installments? First Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater and now this. They're definitely not bad games, but feel so unsatisfying compared to their respective second installments.

I know my exact problem with RE3: Nemesis, though. It's not a slow-paced puzzle box in the same way RE2 and RE1 are. It feels more like an action game and less like a horror game, so my expectations were subverted, but not in a good way. With RE4, my expectations were subverted in the best way possible because the third-person gameplay style lent itself very well to action. The tank controls and fixed camera angles don't suit this style, and are better suited to survival horror over action horror.

Also, as much as I love the idea of a horror game inspired by Terminator, where there's a menacing character tracking you everywhere, Nemesis is not scary most of the time. When he's stalking you, he's annoying, and when he's absent, there's a noticeable lack of horror. I know I'm being harsh on this game, but it's definitely a downgrade compared to the first two installments. I'm glad RE4 mixed things up a bit because I think the franchise would have died with more installments like this.

Guess I'll start Code Veronica soon.

Reviewed on May 19, 2024
