A trip away from the Moscow tunnels really pays off. While I was a little skeptical at first, 4a delivered a fantastic game set in the world of Metro. While the levels are kind of fauxpen world, they are fun to explore and have amazing bits of environmental story telling and upgrades for the guns. The game also has a very laid back approach to combat most of the time which makes the guns blazing segments that much more impactful. The gunplay is amazing with plenty of ways to kit out your guns, the hit registration leaves something to be desired at times but works most the time. The graphics are absolutely amazing, I do not think I have seen better and more detailed graphics and with the enchanced edition that adds raytracing and dlss it makes great graphics look absolutely life like. The story is pretty engaging and the characters are really nice to see and I found myself exploring the train between the levels and interacting with the crew on downtime. The worst part for me was the technical issues and the forest which had the pace grind to a halt. On my first PC playthrough, the game softlocked and autosaved over my old saves which had me replay an entire massive level again to that point which made me quit the game for months. On top of that there were some weird graphical bugs which were kind of few and far between but there. The forest had some of my least favorite return from last light, like boss fights and more set piece design but after that it picks right back up into a pretty emotionally impactful conclusion and a great wrap up to the series.

Reviewed on Apr 25, 2022
