I'm impressed! For a game made by a small indie team it has all the polish and design ingenuity of something made by a AAA studio (from 5 years ago when they were good). In particular, the hub in this game goes crazy. Being able to kick barrels around the place, throw water balloons at eachother, turn the gravity off etc. - it might honestly be the coolest hub area I've ever seen in a game, crazy how many fun, novel little things they managed to pack into it.

It has a good amount of mission variety but unfortunately I felt once I'd played them all I didn't really have a reason to come back. The procedural generation of the worlds is impressive and consistently interesting, but not enough to have me coming back and doing the same objectives over and over. Weirdly this is a game that feels like it'd be better suited to being like a couch co-op game or anything with an ending than an endless, live-service-y thing because it definitely feels like there's a good, natural ending point in there that just isn't made into any kind of actual conclusion. Maybe that's just me.

Good game. Good gunplay, good enemy variety, good design decisions, terrible Dwarf voices.

Reviewed on Aug 29, 2023
