If Pikmin 1-3 is exploring the unknown, in a planet filled with new creatures and locals. Than Pikmin 4 is exploring a nature park. Still unknown and mysterious, sure. But also familiar, welcome, and shockingly bustling with people and sources of the known. Thats my biggest takeaway here, I kept getting hung up on how little this world felt "alien". PNF-404 is not an unknown planet here, its a tourist attraction through and through, and it really made it lose a lot of the impact, melancholy, and beauty the original three games had. And when you did reach a level of tranquility in the game, you can be sure your crew is chatting up a storm, making sure to break that atmosphere. At least in mine opinion.

Gameplay wise its good! I think? If Pikmin 1-3 is commanding a small army of little guys. Pikmin 4 is commanding a commander of an army. To be honest I knew from the jump that Oatchi, (the lovable little dog guy) was the most brain-dead broken thing in the world and only upgraded his mobility. Even then not to max, and it still was far to overcentralizing! Hes just to strong, too important. I cannot imagine how this game plays with the dog at max power. His charge basically sure-fire killed anything that wasn't a boss. The autolock on normally was not an issue, but when it was? Wow was it.

I feel like two paragraphs of issues sounds like I hate it, but I really do not. Its a very fun, solid entry in this little series, that seems to have done its job in skyrocketing pikmin's profile in the popular culture. And I did like it! It was fun! But it losses at lot of what I enjoyed about the artistry of the first few games.

Reviewed on Aug 25, 2023

1 Comment

9 months ago

Yeah upgraded Oatchi makes the game a joke, at least so far for me. I haven't done any post-credits stuff yet. The thing that bugs me about that is, while the upgrades are optional, and even with the hunch that powered up Oatchi is OP, no one can FOR SURE really know that to be the case until they've played through the game themselves. For all I know, maxing out Oatchi's potential might be expected of you in the latter areas I've yet to explore.