This review contains spoilers

This game is absolutely a must play for anyone into mysterys, VNs, or both. The circumstances around the Second (and first) Cyclops Killings is at the top of its game and is gripping the entire way through. Nearly the entire cast is suspect and the twist is equal parts insane and also incredibly obvious... that is if you play Mizuki route first. See AI is split into two core sections, Mizuki route and Iris route. And Iris route is well. Kind of a clusterfuck that makes no sense and leaves with completely confused until you play nearly the entire game. But its conclusion more than makes up for it and it works perfectly by end. SPOILER - if you don't know Iris has goop for brains you're likely just be absoulety confused and scratching you head why you play Minecraft 3 times. Like I did. END SPOILER Another issue I have is the humor. Its a Spike Chuni game so of course its gonna have the flair of pervy humor and mostly it works very well, but mainly in action scenes where the MC is enhanced by hearing about porn mags, it gets a bit tiresome. Overall, can't wait for 2!

Reviewed on Aug 04, 2021
