Obv its aged really really really clearly but I wont be too mean to it, its still a classic and has that classic charm so standard in Capcom Classics.

A Link to the Past is great. ALTTP does very little wrong. Its kind of hard to explain how this game just gets it right. However, it just doesn't do anything to blow me away in any specific way. Combined with some really lame later dungeons are Link to the Past ends at just very strong, instead of a 10 or a 9. An absolute classic despite this.

Lego games are boring as sin and I think the world just isnt ready for that yet

game goes hard if u cheat all the characters in

beat all my friends asses. good game.

This game has got the classic charm from classic Puyo games and a bright almost sickening neon artstyle which I absolutely adore. However it practically boasting how it is now in 3D with gross 3D puyos and its abysmally short length in story mode hold it down a bit. However, this did introduce Fever mode, which for my money is easily the most fun Puyo mode. By carefully balancing your chains and garbage you can enter a "fever pitch" which lets you rapid fire chaining and really lay the hurt in. Also, this OST is like injecting a pixie stick into you're blood veins.

sus sus among us imposter sus sus vent electrical sus among sus

I dont really have much to say here other than its not really a game. Its meant for literal 2 year olds and has like 4 minutes of content. The remixes of show themes are nice though

PvZ stands as a real classic. After 10 years and counting this simple tower defense game remains just as charming and fun as it was on release. Filled with wit in its writing and charmingly designed plants make playing the short story mode, dozens of minigames, and endless mode a real delight. Just a shame nothing ever happened to the series again. ever.

I think the number betrays how I feel about it just a bit. Yumecore is far from amazing, and it wasn't super fun. But it is a game that I was very charmed by, and one I'd recommend to anyone who feels charmed by its play. It's barely 2 hours long so it is not a commitment by any stretch!

Super solid and unique concept that feels completely different to the rest of the series, held back by the fact it was made by people who literally did not know what Pokemon was.

I had this game rated a 4/5 but the new update added Feraligatr so now its a 4.5/5

a pretty decent game and a great beat em up with friends or randoms. The sprite work is gorgeous and full of life. OST is fantastic and brimming with personality as expected of Tee Lopes. Overall just a great time even if you know nothing about Ninja Turtles (Like myself) this game oozes enough charm and 80s SATAM flare to make you feel more than at home

I played this one while lifeguarding a pool. Fun experience! Wasn't planned! good time would recommend