I'm going to pick this back up soon but...man I just really want to find a Zelda game I really like, I thought Skyward Sword was shit and I thought I would've loved WindWaker but found it really boring most of the time... hopefully Majora's Mask will hook me in.

Reviewed on Dec 23, 2023


6 months ago

What aspects of the games so far have you not enjoyed? There's a chance this franchise might just not be for you, most of the games aren't too different from each other in their core aspects. Only really Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom are the biggest standouts. On the offchance you want to keep trying 3D Zelda games though, keep Twilight Princess on your radar too.

6 months ago

@Aecease for Skyward Sword...just about everything. I didn't find any of the bosses memorable, I thought the desert was a huge pain in the ass to go through and just has no redeeming qualities besides Goose and Ghirahim for me. Wind Waker's Sea Exploration felt too empty for me, with characters I didn't care for and the combat not being anything special just left me feeling nothing when I beat the game, I do love the art style and music though. (Also the blatant padding because of the Triforce quest, it's just not fun nor interesting). For Ocarina of Time, I'm at the start of the Water Temple. So far I didn't care for any of the dungeons and hated Forest Temple, that being said. I do love how the N64 version looks and the music is incredible.

I think my biggest problem is that the games I've played so far doesn't have anything to REALLY hook me in, the reason I want to play majora's mask because of the dark atmosphere, the side quests (also I haven't ever enjoyed doing it side quest in these games but hopefully Majora's Mask changes that)
Unfortunate you didn't love this one as it's my 2nd favorite zelda probably but I really do hope you love Majora (it's my fav). The side quests are definitely the best in the series and the dark depressing atmosphere permeates throughout the whole thing so I have a feeling you'll like it!

5 months ago

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5 months ago

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 thanks for the comment Reyn my homie! I'm really hoping I love majora's mask as well. Do you think the time mechanic makes the game more tedious or more fun in your opinion? I'm personally worried it will make me hate the game but if it's good then I'll be more than happy. Does the game also have any particularly unenjoyable section as well in your opinion?
alright so, I never found the time traveling annoying in general. I think the biggest issue people have with it is when they do the dungeons and run out of time, but as long as you start each one on a fresh new cycle then its no issue. Some of the collectables rely on you doing stuff at specific times and I can never remember exactly the times youre supposed to do them at but if you use a guide for those then its no problem. Just keep in mind you can find a song early on that slows time by half and always have that on. There's also a song that lets you skip half a day each time you play it and that can be very helpful as well. As for annoying sections of the game, the only parts I can potentially see being annoying are the latter two dungeons because they can be a bit complicated at times but they're both some of the best dungeons in the series I thought...with the last one being my favorite in the series. Either way, I hope I didn't intimidate you with any of this stuff and I really hope you enjoy it! It's not nearly as complicated as people make it seem I think