Cat Quest has a story that can be completely set aside. After learning to attack, use spells, and dodge, I simply skipped any dialogue balloons since the missions are always indicated by an arrow throughout the game, so nothing more than following that arrow is necessary if you don't want to.

The game is simply about going from point A to B, killing some enemies, exploring dungeons that look the same, finding chests, getting better armor, and leveling up your cat as you kill dragons along the way. After completing the main story, you can add some challenges to the game, but they don't motivate you much to keep playing.

Overall, it's a game to listen to a podcast or watch a video while passing the time by smashing the dodge and attack buttons. Very repetitive, full of cat puns, and made for you to play while listening to something in the background.

Reviewed on Nov 13, 2023
