10 Reviews liked by GAMERGOAT

Love Molly Moon!
Looking forward to the full game :))))

I played it like 1-2 years ago. It's a fine puzzle game with a fun idea, but it's overall not of high quality.

The reason I'm reviewing it now is because recently tik tok is spamming me with ads of this game. Except it's not this game. I mean it looks exactly the same but it's called something different.
So, I dig around a little and I find there are a TON of clones of this game concept. Some are extremely similar. I think this "original" one has 30million+ downloads so it makes sense there are so many bootlegs trying to have a slice of that cake.
My "research" led me to a code selling website, where some dude is selling a ready to publish version including the source code and every asset.
It's funny because at the top it clearly says: NOTE: Please Reskin the game before publishing. I guess some people couldn't even bother changing some pngs.

I spent 20 fucking minutes gambling to get a chaos emerald just to get robbed in broad daylight. Can't have shit in station square.

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- A classic game
- The Riddler puzzles were fun & didn't feel too overwhelming in this entry
- Juggled many of Batman's rogue's gallery very well
- The first time I played many years ago, I was too young to get to grips with the puzzles
- Years later I played through the whole thing in a week, it was gripping
- The combat challenges, like all the Arkham games made the game artificially long and cap its score due to unfun grinding
- The characters are great & this is the definitive Batman experience for me



Fantastic "walking sim"! The moment you realize why the farmer is making his decision hits you like a gut punch.

Kinda meh. The painting vacillates between "mindless" and "requires an absurd level of precision" with no real in between, and honestly, I think I'd rather pay for actual physical models instead. It's not terrible, but it doesn't really capture what I'd hoped.

Here we are, sitting in the car, I want you to show me if you can get far. This game is wacky, and is all the better for it. You get taught karate by an onion, you rap battle through a line to use a toilet, etc.

The chicken rap is too hard