Some people complain about its difficulty, but that's the main concept of this game. If it's not something you like, don't play it... I mean, it's written "FOR SUPER PLAYERS" on the cover...

Seriously, I understand it's a singular concept, but this game is a must-have for everyone who likes Mario games.

The Lost Levels is the ultimate challenge.

It is known to be one of the most difficult games of all time, and this reputation is totally justified. All the game has been thought with this idea. Proposing the definitive, hardest experience a Mario game can offer. That's quite an unique concept, especially for Nintendo (no surprise that most of the ports are simplified). And this unique concept just offers an unique entry in the saga.

This game has a masterful level design. This is not a dumb difficulty as you can see in Super Mario Maker, where it's hard because the creator placed fireballs everywhere with 20 Hammer Brothers. In fact, when you just look at The Lost Level's levels, they don't seem that insurmountable. It's when you start playing that the nightmare begins.

That's because each element is placed with a surgical precision. Each block, each ennemy, their movements... Everything has been studied to offer you an intelligent difficulty. Here the physics are the same than in the original Super Mario Bros., and they are still today very intuitive and pleasant.

It's just you and the game. The level design imposes you to study the levels rigorously until you know them down to the smallest details. You will fail so much times, but it's not frustating in my opinion. You're always driven by this desire to beat the game. It's quite fascinating to admire how an accessible gameplay as Super Mario Bros. has been pushed to its limits.