CK2 was perfect, but CK3 finally has enough improvements that I consider it to be the superior experience.

Broken, unfinished. Will try again later, but a lot of good will has been destroyed here.

The perfect RPG, or near as we can get to it.

I put 100s of hours into Super Mario World as a child, and this was a lovely spiritual successor. So creative!

A favorite as a kid. Wonderful remake, the game holds up. #TeamGeno

A noir/sci-fi/point-and-click game hits so many of my favorite genres. Good story, good puzzles, satisfying ending.

Dredge's gameplay loop was very addictive for 10 hours or so, I enjoyed the world a lot. The story and ending were wanting, but I enjoyed my time with this one a lot.

Second playthrough overall, first since the 2.0 update. I deeply love Suzerain, I think it's the best political simulator of all time.

A wonderful, if imperfect, pairing of resource management with RTS battles. A fascinating setting for a story, often ignored, and told with respect. Repetitive by the end by I enjoyed it enough to overlook that.

The aesthetics, soundtrack, creativity, and puzzles will stay with me for a long time.