50 reviews liked by GHax

Much better than breath of the wild. The freedom to create things along with interesting ideas for enemies and bosses makes it one of the best open world games.

amazing game. wish there were more connections to botw.

That one was REALLY good! At first I didn't really liked Avery but at the end I started to like him more! Mustard was definitely mu favorite and his Battle was even thougher than expected :,)

Not nearly as poorly aged as other early 2000s shooters. The squad management mechanic is incredibly fun, and it nails the feel of the IP it is based off of. Gameplay is simple but fun, and it feels technically polished.
However, balancing feels terrible at times. Some guns feel useless and some encounters require a ton of trial and error. The level variety is less than ideal, particularly for the last third of the game.

A fun game where you experience the end of the Clone Wars through the lens of the clones. Great story and fun gameplay.

Feels really nostalgic to be playing SWAT 4 in modern times, but also feels bad coz I forgot how fucking hard and unfair that game could be. This game holds no punches at all, from the content of the raids to the crushing defeat making one mistake can cause. It's fun, addictive, and unforgiving. I doubt I will ever finish this due to the difficulty, but there's definitely something special about playing as a SWAT commander that scratches some primal urge in the back of our heads.

“911? Yes, there is a small blue haired british twink at my door he appeared one day and said lets catch pokemon and never left help.”

This game is amazing except for their unnatural obsession with giant strings of dialogue (also bede isnt that great calm yourself, INTERNET)

A fun little story that fixes many issues people had with base Sword and Shield - having the entire thing be a Wild Area is pretty much what everyone wanted.

I particularly like how the Isle of Armor deals with its legendary - we have time to become attached to Kubfu before it finally evolves. This entire DLC is less of a training arc for us, but one specifically for Kubfu, which then makes the payoff pretty damn rewarding.

But if I have to strain my eyes looking for Alolan Diglett one more fucking time