this game ruled when i was a kid !
okay i decided to start playing it and im back

the mini games are each locked behind the ages of the animals, not a necessarily bad thing i just have puppies right now. i'm easily entertained and the mini games are fun enough that i started yelling to my brother intensely about it a few minutes ago. the game is targeted towards toddlers so its basically perfect i think

i went into it knowing the reputation this game had with its dialogue, controls, making a sonic oc and ect ...

taking it for what it was made the experience way more enjoyable and made for a fun experience

being ~14 at the time probably helped a bunch but i still look back at the game fondly

im having fun with this game so far and love being able to play as amy ! though its a bit hard to tell between background and foreground and when ive played multiplayer ive always encountered bugs ..

but the guy at gamestop gave a lego eggman code even though i didnt preorder the game so that was cool