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1 day

Last played

December 23, 2021

Platforms Played


This was actually really great! What a plesant surprise!

It's only 3-4 hours or so but this is easily one of the best paced games I've played on the PS, or maybe just in general, this has a great sense of narrative momentum. The puzzles are not too tough but not so easy that they're lame, and the combat works pretty well, the implamentation of the little crosshair to tell you when you're successfully aiming at an ememy is genius, it's a little change that does a lot.

The art style is also great, the character models are done in a style that makes it so they honestly still look great when playing it today, the visual telegraphy in the level design is really good, I just wish the art style extended to the environments.

Easily the worst part of this game is the controls, it seems like random things are on random buttons, nothing is intuative and it just feels really janky. This is examplified in the bosses, especially the first one, it sucks.

But this was good enough that I'm definitely gonna check out the sequel, very happy to have played this!