Why is the LED screen covering half the pinball board? Only two tables which are very similar. Not all that enjoyable.

The most impressive feat of Overwatch is to balance such a diverse range of characters, making them equally as powerful and fun to play.

Aside from that, Overwatch does not do anything particularly special, and is somehow a uniquely frustrating game to play.

Games are art, and art exists to capture a feeling.

No other game better captures the feeling of loneliness in the universe.

(Review based on the original release version)

Moonlighter is a good idea and generally rather enjoyable game, but is plagued with many smaller issues that detract from the overall experience.

There is a strong game loop and strong sense of progression which drives the player through each dungeon. Small story beats along the way also help guide the player along. However, as the player progresses through each dungeon, they will find that nothing changes between each level in the game except the behaviour of the enemies. For example, weapon upgrades that supposedly change the element of your weapon has no real functional change to how your weapon behaves. The game is so well balanced between you growing stronger and the enemies growing stronger that there may as well be no progression at all. In the end, the game starts to drag.

The game also has many small bugs that have not been fixed over years of development.

While Undertale is a master class in story telling, world building, character design, and branching narrative, the best parts of the story are unfortunately locked behind repeated and lengthy playthroughs making them inaccessible to most players.

Elite: Dangerous is a testament to why realism is not good game design