The wait for this game was agonizing. After being slightly disappointed with Pikmin 3 (Campaign was ok, Challenge mode is where the meat and bones of that were), I was expecting more of that game as that was the game that most people ended up liking. When I played the demo for the first time, I was a bit skeptical of the game and its heavy use of story and dialogue. I just wanted to get into playing Pikmin. When release day hit, all of those worries went away as they had taken everything that made the last three games great and stuffed it into one amazing experience. The game itself is split into multiple gameplay styles that all service the game very well. Ranging from the normal area and cave exploration, there are also dandori battles and challenges which pit the player up against another captain or the clock to complete objectives. Then there are the night missions, which are a hit or miss, as the tension with this, just aren't really there until the end of the game. Nevertheless, this game is amazing, I can't go on writing about this because I have so much praise for this game. Please, play this game.

Reviewed on Aug 14, 2023
