People will look you dead in the eye and unironically go off on a tirade about how certain AAA games are 1/10s, while shit like this exists.


What the hell is going on in Finland

If this isn't the worst game ever made, then at the very least it's the least finished game ever released.

Somehow I played this authentically in 2023 with 4 people.

Game was fun, but the way they boot you out of the game with no way of saving progress if one of you disconnect, either by jerking your cable, accidentally turning off your GBA or running out of batteries(since you cant charge while playing), is such an attrocious design choice. Surely there could've been a work-around of some sort if they really tried it.

When nothing goes wrong, though, that's when you get a truly unique couch co-op experience, even if the game is a more streamlined and simple game compared to the other Zelda entries.

This game is very rough around the edges, but I completed it six times, so who am I to judge?

For all its jank, frustrating gameplay-decisions and lack of polish, it still managed to hook me with the amazing world-exploration of Made in Abyss. They really tried, but I do wish a bit more capable team made this game, then it could've been truly special.

Fun game if you're looking for a tight, retro-inspired action-platformer in the vein of Shovel Knight and the classic Mega Man games. Would recommend

Genuinely one of the hypest final bosses of any game I've ever played. I'm not kidding

Completing a nuzlocke of this is among my biggest gaming achievements.

This game has a lot of polish in some areas and extreme lack of polish in others. This will make your enjoyment of the game better/worse depending on your preferences, but I can say that the core gameplay loop is extremely addicting and fun. Filling the pokedex has never been more fun, and the fact that they let you do it in your own preferred way is extremely smart(catching a lot of a pokemon VS fighting a lot pokemon VS using a lot of pokemon VS evolving a lot of pokemon).

Running around and throwing pokeballs and pokemon is snappy and satisfying, and the addition of old verses, Unown and wisp-collectibles is a welcome one, as it encourages even more exploration outside of finding pokemon.

This is the most ambitious mainline Pokemon-game since, well, Red and Green. It does a lot of things right, and a lot of things that could be better. Not only on the technical side, but also when it comes to storytelling, UI and level design.

I especially like how bosses are now a thing, both for big trainer battles and big, singular pokemon battles. I hope they build upon this in future games. They did toy a bit with this approach in gen 7 and 8 with Totem fights, Leon, Ultra Necrozma and Gigantamax raids, but this is the first game where bosses truly felt like bosses and not slightly enhanced battles.

Good game, would recommend. Fuck Cherubi and Cranidos, though. Extended my completion time by a couple of hours because they were so stupidly hard to get.

For your own sanity's sake, don't use a controller during the Lumen segments.

If you enjoy puzzle adventure games(and witches) then this is a pretty good choice. The puzzles are pretty well made and surprisingly tricky at times.

Pissed myself in fear when the wolf charged me

The optional dungeon puzzles will fuck you up