I haven't played this, but I want to relay a message, even if it ends up being short-lived.
This game - which seemingly has hundreds of planets with nothing but rocks, lacks land vehicles because players would quickly reach a boundary, has its space exploration essentially be a glorified fast travel screen, has NPCs who are more monotonous and hideous than the ones in Skyrim, is shamelessly unoriginal with writing, and admits in its credits that some third-party developers did more work than Bethesda themselves - will be nominated for GOTY at The Game Awards.
Meanwhile, the masterpiece that is Pizza Tower Lario will be ignored because it's a video game, not a AAA wannabe-Hollywood experience. Food for thought.

Reviewed on Sep 08, 2023



8 months ago


8 months ago

Bro this is just straight misinformation.

The NPC's are objectively a step up from the ones in previous titles and at no point does it say that "third party devs did more work than Bethesda employees"

Are you huffing copium that a game from a popular studio or are you just terminally online?

8 months ago

No comment about the NPCs because, again, I haven't played the game and am making educated guesses based on what I've seen.
But what I said about the credits is absolutely true. It's over 40 minutes, but only a small portion of that is Bethesda's core team, with the majority of it instead crediting third-parties. See for yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-w-fdmF0aU

6 months ago

I’m happy to report back; I was half-wrong. Lario wasn’t the only thing to get snubbed out of GOTY.
May this piece of shit be forgotten over the course of history.