This game takes one forward, one step back. It’s much better than Pikmin 2, but then there’s the limit of three surface Pikmin types, the automatic lock-on, the popups and loading screens, the unreliable Pikmin A.I, the unnecessarily large areas, the weak soundtrack... I could keep going.
The biggest takeaway is that the "perfect" Pikmin game has yet to exist, and people will continue to argue over which installment is the best. Pikmin 3 might still be my favorite at the end of the day.

Reviewed on Jul 23, 2023


10 months ago

Have to say its still a step back from the goat (2). I'd actually say 3 is my least favorite now lol

10 months ago

Wait, I can agree with everything there (not the pikmin 2 comment lol) except for unreliable ai. Maybe I didnt get to a part where they arent reliable but like, its the best A.I in the series hands down lol

10 months ago

I’ve had many times where Pikmin get stuck trying to move around carryable objects, and then going idle. Other times, not every Pikmin has climbed up a wall, with some getting stuck at the bottom. I may charge at one object, but the Pikmin decide to try carrying the object right next to it, so I’m forced to throw them if I want only one thing carried. I may direct Pikmin to drink nectar, but they tend to return to the party or get distracted, and the most consistent way of doing it is just to disband them all.

10 months ago

yeah I havent had any of that happen really lol, some weird stuff has happened like every past game but not nearly as much of that happened in 4 for me